How to Check an SD Card in Linux [Easy Steps]

How to Check an SD Card in Linux [Easy Steps]


3 min read

An SD card is a common type of removable storage used in devices like cameras, phones, and tablets. When you want to access the contents of an SD card on your Linux computer, you'll need to first check that the card is detected properly.

Here are some easy ways to verify and examine SD cards in Linux.

Check if the SD Card is Detected

The first step is to insert your SD card into the computer's SD card reader or adapter. Then open a terminal window to check whether Linux recognizes the device.

To view all storage devices and mounts, type:


This will list all block storage devices, including hard drives, USB drives, and SD cards. You should see a device named like /dev/sdb1 - this is likely your inserted SD card.

Mount Point

The output from lsblk will also display the mount point if your system has automatically mounted the SD card. This will be a path like /media/username/drive-name.

If there is no mount point shown, you'll need to manually mount the drive before accessing files on the SD card.

Mount an SD Card

If your system hasn't auto-mounted the SD card, you can manually mount it with the mount command.

First, create a destination mount point folder:

sudo mkdir /media/sdcard

Then mount the sd card drive partition (like /dev/sdb1) using:

sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdcard

You may need root or sudo privileges to mount drives in Linux.

The card should now be accessible at the given mount path /media/sdcard.

Unmount SD Cards Properly

When you finish accessing the SD card, don't just pull out the card! You should always properly unmount removable storage to avoid data corruption.

To unmount the card:

sudo umount /media/sdcard

Replace /media/sdcard with the actual mount path.

Now it is safe to remove the SD card from the computer.

Examine SD Card Details

There are some other handy Linux utilities you can use to inspect inserted SD cards and gather details about storage usage, formatting, and health.

Filesystem Info

See filesystem details with:

sudo fdisk -l

This will show specifications like size, format type, blocks, etc.

Storage Usage

Check used/free space on mounted drives with:

df -h

The -h flag displays human readable sizes instead of just blocks.

Formatting Tools

Utilities like gparted or fdisk can reformat card partitions if needed. But reformatting will erase all data!

S.M.A.R.T. Status

The S.M.A.R.T. data for connected disks and drives can indicate potential issues. View this info with:

sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdb

Replace /dev/sdb with your SD card device.


That covers some essential methods to check, mount, and inspect SD cards when plugging them into a Linux computer. Following these steps carefully will ensure your removable storage works properly without errors or lost data. The terminal commands provide helpful details about inserted cards - and powerful formatting/partitioning tools if needed, just be careful because they can erase data!
