How to Remove Aliases in Linux

How to Remove Aliases in Linux


4 min read

Have you ever set up a custom command alias in Linux, only to later wish you could remove it? Alias commands can be super useful for creating shortcuts for commonly used commands or options.

However, there may come a time when you want to delete an alias you previously created. Removing aliases in Linux is easy to do, it just takes knowing the right commands.

Why Would You Want to Remove an Alias?

There are a couple of situations where removing a command alias makes sense:

  • The alias is no longer needed - You created the alias for a specific purpose or project you were working on in the past. Now that the project is over, the alias just causes confusion and clutter.

  • The alias is causing problems - Sometimes aliases can end up overriding existing commands by accident or causing unintended outcomes. Deleting problem aliases clears things up.

  • You want to recreate it - If you want to recreate an alias to work differently or fix issues, it's best to remove the old one first before making something new.

Regardless of your specific reasons, Linux provides simple ways to delete aliases when needed.

How Command Aliases Work in Linux

Before learning how to remove aliases, it helps to understand what they are and how they work under the hood.

In essence, aliases are shortcuts that you can define to replace longer commands or command sequences. They don't change how anything works on your system, they just provide a shortcut reference to something else.

Some key characteristics of Linux command aliases:

  • Created in your shell - Aliases are configured within your shell profile file (e.g. .bashrc or .zshrc), not system-wide.

  • Just a reference - Aliases don't alter actual commands. They point to existing commands.

  • Available in new shells - Once defined, aliases are accessible in new shells. But not in current shells.

  • Can save typing - Useful for long, complex commands you use often.

Knowing aliases are just references makes understanding how to remove them simpler. You just need to delete the reference!

Remove an Alias with unalias

The easiest way to delete a command alias in Linux is using the appropriately named unalias command.

The unalias command removes aliases from the current shell session. Its basic syntax is simple:

unalias alias_name

Where alias_name is the name of the alias you want to remove.

For example, if you had created a gitstatus alias, you would remove it with:

unalias gitstatus

The next time you start a new shell session, that alias will be gone.

This makes unalias are great for quickly disabling a problematic alias for testing or temporary purposes. But aliases may come back in new shells unless removed from your shell profile too.

Permanently Deleting Aliases

Because aliases are defined in shell profile files like .bashrc, removing aliases permanently means taking them out of those startup files.

Open up the shell profile file in your text editor:

nano .bashrc

Then simply delete the line that defines the alias.

For example, if your .bashrc contained:

alias gitstatus="git status"

You would delete that entire line to permanently unset the alias.

After saving the changes, restart your shell or use the source command to reload the updated profile. Going forward, that alias will no longer exist in new shell sessions.

Best Practices for Managing Aliases

To keep your collection of aliases organized for the long run, consider these tips:

  • Group aliases - Keep all aliases defined together in one place in your shell profile file for easy reference.

  • Use comments - Leave comments explaining what custom aliases are for. Future you will appreciate it!

  • Test first - Test aliases in a new shell before adding them to startup files permanently. Ensures they work as intended.

  • Consider scripts - For very complex commands, use shell script files instead for easier tracking.

Taking the time to carefully manage aliases avoids hassles down the road.

In Closing

Working with Linux command aliases can speed up your work and make complex tasks more manageable. But even useful aliases lose their purpose eventually. Following the simple steps covered here, you'll be able to:

  • Quickly disable unwanted aliases with unalias

  • Permanently delete aliases from shell profiles

  • Keep your environment tidy through careful alias hygiene

Learning to remove and manage aliases gives you full control to shape your Linux environment to match your needs. With the power to both create and delete aliases, you can stay fast and flexible.

So don't be afraid to try new aliases. They don't have to be forever. And you now know how to remove them in Linux when needed.