Understanding the Chmod Command in Linux

Understanding the Chmod Command in Linux


4 min read

As a regular Linux user, you may have come across mysterious strings of letters and symbols when looking at file permissions. These represent the access rights set for files and folders using the chmod command. Knowing how to use chmod is key to controlling access in Linux.

This guide will clarify exactly what it does so you can apply it confidently.

What Does the Chmod Command Do?

In essence, chmod allows you to set permissions or access rights for files and folders by changing their mode. It gives you granular control - you can set specific permissions not just for yourself, but for different types of users.

The most common scenarios when you'd use chmod are:

  • Restricting access to sensitive files so only certain users or groups can access them

  • Allowing collaborators to edit shared files

  • Preventing accidental file deletion or overwriting

  • Making scripts executable

Understanding modes is central to using chmod effectively.

Breaking Down Linux File Modes

Linux divides file permissions into three categories, each with three possible permissions:

  • Owner: The file owner - usually the user that created it

  • Group: Members of the file's group

  • Other: All other system users

The basic permissions that can be set are:

  • Read (r): View file contents

  • Write (w): Edit, delete, or overwrite file

  • Execute (x): Run file as a program

These permissions can be set or revoked separately for the owner, group, and others.

So when you look at a file listing like:


This tells you:

  • Owner has rwx (read, write, execute) rights

  • Group members have rwx rights

  • All other users have rwx rights

Understanding the modes is key to wielding the chmod command.

How to Use Chmod to Change Modes

The chmod command itself looks like this:

chmod [permissions] [file/folder]

[permissions] is where you specify the exact permissions you want to set. This uses a shorthand notation with the following format:


Breaking this down:

  • u, g, o, a stands for user (owner), group, others, all

  • + adds permission

  • - revokes permission

  • \= makes permission explicit (and revokes unspecified ones)

  • r, w, x stands for read, write, execute

Some examples of how to use this:

  • chmod u+x file.sh - Gives owner execute rights to file.sh

  • chmod go-wx report.pdf - Removes write and execute rights from the group and other users for report.pdf

  • chmod 644 file.txt - Sets file.txt to owner read/write, group read, others read

The numerals like 644 are a shorthand way of specifying modes - each digit sets the permissions for owner, group, and other.

Once you get the hang of the notation, chmod becomes second nature. But for now, references like this chmod commander may help.

Why Are File Permissions Important?

Having granular control over file access is crucial for security and avoiding issues down the line.

Here are some examples:

  • Set sensitive files like password configs to owner read-write only, preventing others from accessing them

  • Remove write access to application files to guard against malware or ransomware making changes

  • Revoke group execute permissions from scripts before sharing a folder publicly to prevent unintended consequences

Locked-down permissions can prevent easy-to-make mistakes:

  • Accidentally deleting files and backups as an everyday user

  • Changing application files as a developer, affecting production systems

Taking the time to properly control permissions will save you headaches.

Chmod Clears Up Linux File Access Confusion

Learning chmod may feel intimidating as a new Linux user. But once the concepts click, you'll feel empowered to manage file permissions rather than just deal with what you're given.

Start by using chmod for simple tasks like making scripts executable or restricting access to test files. As you get comfortable, build the habit of considering permissions as part of your workflow.

Commanding chmod may soon become second nature. And you'll no longer feel confused when encountering symbolic permission codes!

Hopefully, this gives you confidence to wield chmod for granting fine-grained Linux file access. While it takes some effort to learn, that investment will pay dividends down the line.
